Friday, May 29, 2009

Introducing... SEDILU GREEN!

SEDILU GREEN! Logo coming soon (yay!)

I am always one to complain about the plastic in the oceans. I started using reusable bags. I HATE HATE HATE paper plates (we're too much of a society of trash, you know?!!). I don't like plastic cups or styrofoam. I limit the amount of plastic we use (ok, I try, but it's slow - just like everything in my life!). So I decided that I was going to learn how to reduce our waste beyond the plastic grocery bags.

So then the idea of reusable snack bags popped into my head. It's not a new idea - some people have been doing these for a couple of years now (if not longer!) but I fell in love with the idea (and just discovered it really!) and I'm hooked. I decided to start selling the bags in different designs on etsy and I'll be doing consignment as well.

So right now my designs include rock and roll skulls and sort of "gothy" stuff (I am in a total obsession mode with this stuff right now - and to look at me - I don't look anything like that on the outside but inside - retro and rock are busting out!!). Mod. Retro. Rock. Such a combo.

So, in conclusion I have a total of 2 (ok, 3 if you count my backpacks that I do!) going and it's harrowing. Especially only having about 3-4 hours a night to do anything! But it's going to be worth it.

Check me out on etsy (I'll have ebay stores set up by July if backpacks don't kick my rear this year for back to school which really - I HOPE THEY DO... we need the cash flow!):

I'm working up to be able to stay at home and work from the house. Oh the excitement is building daily! And the frustration too of course by me not being able to do it RIGHT NOW. But life goes on and we can only do so much. Typically it takes about 2-3 years for a business to really get in the marketplace. I'm determined to speed that process up.

In the next few weeks I'll be doing some giveaways on different blogs (mine doesn't have any traffic - YET) so my name will be out there. I just have to get my logo designed and everything that goes with it. I'm excited really...

The ideas are flowing! But nothing has materialized again. Time management anyone? I haven't mentioned that yet in any other posts, have I? HA! Such a jokester.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Marketing Op Update

I had forgotten all about me sending those blankets and such to Lucian's school for the baskets. Nothing came out of it. I think that it's because I didn't have good marketing materials.

Everything is so new to me and when I get an idea - it's going to work - no doubt about it! But then... *flat*. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. I find another way that's better but I'm in too many directions.

So, I realized that what I need to do is buckle down and stay up later (which I've been doing lately) and work when there are no distractions. It's working out actually. I mean, pretty good in fact! I still need to get my time management down, but that's a work in process. What works for someone else may not work for me because I have an issue with calendars. I update them and then they disappear (ok, really I forget about them) and there goes my time management.

Out the window like a pretty little hummingbird - fly away time! Fly fly fly!

So anyway - nothing came out of the marketing op. But guess what? I did it ONCE! Did I expect to have 30 sales from ONE time doing something? Uhhh... no. I did have a couple sales from the girls at work, so that's good. I just need to get my stuff out there! MORE MORE MORE!

I'm researching marketing stuff. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Logo Designing... so important!

When I first started this Sedilu Venture, I decided that I was going to whip up a quick logo. I was going to focus on baby items which is fab. It's what I'm going to still be doing. But I realized, after really focusing on boy items - that my logo (with the pink butterfly) didn't really go between boy and girl. So I changed the color of the butterfly to green and blue.

CUTE! But... I'm still not happy with it... It is still too girly. It's not modern. It's not hip. It's... quite frankly... BLAH. And I'm starting to hate it.

So I just didn't know where I was going. I was in a sort of a fog... floating through with temporary stuff like temporary tattoos - luckily I didn't spend money on designing it. I did it myself. BUT I did spend a lot of time on it... so that's about all I've wasted (and about $10 for the vector images)... but life goes on.

SO today I'm browsing the web ( for my new logo for my spinoff venture SediluGreen (which is totally cool reusable items!) and I find what is called...

I can't begin to express how I was like "oh wow! Check that out! LOVES IT! OOO! OOO!" Anything with that Olive green and brown that is sooooo in right now - Yeah. I'm digging it to the 100th degree.

So I think that I'm going to have a logo designed (you can get GREAT designers to do this for CHEAP on etsy - I'm talking like $50 compared to like $150+++ by designers on the web!) So I've been browsing for about 35 minutes over my lunch break to find some fabulous images for someone to design my store header (on etsy! YAY! LOVES THE ETSY!) and my logo for print design and labels.

I'm pretty excited. BUT - I have to remember that the logo is going to be for a long time. It's branding. Remember that branding is a HUGE part of business. People need to be able to recognize your items by your logo. It's your imprint on society and your niche. I have to think about this before jumping in headfirst (and you do too if you're starting a business or a boutique or anything!!) - is this a lasting thing that I can use for the next 10 years or is it a passing trend?

Whatever you do - don't follow trends when it comes to design and business logos. No no no! It's sure disaster when you have to redesign in 5 years and pretty much start over on branding...

But if you're not concerned about that - more power to you go for it!

I just know what I love. I totally *heart* retro/mod. Every time I see an item with a retro owl or mushroom (and I used to LOVE mushrooms back in the day - I even had clear mushroom stickers on my car tail lights - many many moons ago!) I'm a pile of "awww!"

So, that's the update. I'll be posting about my new "Green" venture and of course the ROCK N ROLL stuff I have rolling out.

Now... just to get time to.... Oh... MAKE the stuff! Now, that's a novel idea!! Making the stuff to sell it and getting it out of my head. hmmmm...