Monday, May 25, 2009

Marketing Op Update

I had forgotten all about me sending those blankets and such to Lucian's school for the baskets. Nothing came out of it. I think that it's because I didn't have good marketing materials.

Everything is so new to me and when I get an idea - it's going to work - no doubt about it! But then... *flat*. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. I find another way that's better but I'm in too many directions.

So, I realized that what I need to do is buckle down and stay up later (which I've been doing lately) and work when there are no distractions. It's working out actually. I mean, pretty good in fact! I still need to get my time management down, but that's a work in process. What works for someone else may not work for me because I have an issue with calendars. I update them and then they disappear (ok, really I forget about them) and there goes my time management.

Out the window like a pretty little hummingbird - fly away time! Fly fly fly!

So anyway - nothing came out of the marketing op. But guess what? I did it ONCE! Did I expect to have 30 sales from ONE time doing something? Uhhh... no. I did have a couple sales from the girls at work, so that's good. I just need to get my stuff out there! MORE MORE MORE!

I'm researching marketing stuff. Wish me luck.

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